Sunday, September 30, 2018

Press F to Pay Respects

Welcome to my Top Quality Meme blog! This week I will share a meme that is known to pay someone respect through the interweb. This meme is called "Press F to Pay Respects", there are other names such as "F in chat", or "Can I get an F in chat?". The use of it is quite simple. If you want to pay your respects to someone through online, all you have to do is type F in chat. Usually, people would spam F in chat throughout other social media.

Meme's History
It all started with a game called Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and in the game there is a scene where as the player is at a funeral for his fallen comrade and as you walk close to the casket, it will say "Press F to Pay Respects". With it, people had used it to mock the game because of controversy behind it.